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A Message from Leadership

As a local business leader, you understand and appreciate growth and development, and that’s why it’s important for you to know about a new five-year economic growth plan for our community.  Please take a moment to thoughtfully consider what our county will be like five years from now. Will we diversify our economy so that we are not dependent on the fortunes of one or two main industries? Will business and community leaders within the region continue to collaborate to maximize our competitive advantages? Will we remain a community where talented people want to live, conduct business, and raise a family?  We certainly hope you agree these are important questions to ask and more importantly that you want to assist us in answering them.

We have agreed to serve as leaders of Expand Greater Springfield 2024’s Campaign Cabinet and our organizations are helping to underwrite the five-year program because we consider this comprehensive economic development effort to be of critical importance to Clark County and the entire region. Now we are asking you to join us as supporters of this effort. As a business leader in our community you will benefit significantly through our collective success.

We invite you to explore this website to learn much more about these efforts. We’re sure you’ll agree that this initiative will make a difference for all Clark Countians!

andyAndy Bell
Campaign Co-Chair
Retired Owner
Consolidated Insurance

johnJohn A. Brown
Campaign Co-Chair
Security National Bank




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Ohio Has the Fourth Largest Interstate Highway System

Ohio Has the Fourth Largest Interstate Highway System

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7th Largest Economy in the U.S., 21st Worldwide

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$2.7 Billion Budget Reserve

No Corporate Income or Profits Tax

No Corporate Income or Profits Tax

Ohio is One of the Top 10 Freight Destinations

Ohio is One of the Top 10 Freight Destinations

Ohio RanksNo. 9 in Competitive Labor Environment

Ohio Ranks No. 9 in Competitive Labor Environment

EXPAND Greater Springfield 2024 20 South Limestone Street, Suite 100 Springfield, OH, 45502